
How to Prepare for Exams and Avoid Anxiety

Written by Chiqui Villazana | Apr 27, 2023 12:55:13 PM

Test-taking can be a daunting experience for many, but with the right strategies and preparation, it can become a much less stressful experience. There are several strategies you can use to prepare and perform your best. This article will cover tips for preparing for online exams, managing test anxiety, and improving your overall performance.

Preparing for Online Exams

As consultants at Gradehacker, all the tests and exams you take will be online, and they require a different set of preparation strategies than in-person exams. Here are some tips for preparing for online exams:

  1. Familiarize Yourself with the Platform

Before the exam, take some time to familiarize yourself with the platform that will be used for the exam. This may include understanding the layout of the exam, the timing mechanism, and any features that will be available to you during the exam (such as a calculator or scratchpad).

  1. Practice Using the Platform

Once you're familiar with the platform, practice using it before the exam. This will help you become more comfortable with the platform and identify potential issues before the exam.

NOTE: If your client is having a proctored exam, we recommend you send them a meeting link so you can have a meeting prior to the exam to test all the platforms and software you will need, like Kaseya and Getscreen.

  1. Create a Study Schedule

Create a schedule that includes dedicated study time for each topic covered in the exam. Since we aim to work smarter and not harder, you can take a couple of hours in your schedule to organize and prepare. Make sure to save websites and course content you know you will need. 

  1. Use Online Resources

Take advantage of the online platforms that Grtadehacker provides, like Coursehero and Quizlet. Nowadays, ChatGPT is also a valuable tool that can help you answer more specific questions. 

Managing Test Anxiety

Test anxiety is a common experience, but it can be managed with the right strategies. Here are some tips for managing test anxiety:

  1. Practice Relaxation Techniques

Practice relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or progressive muscle relaxation before the exam. The Box Breathing technique is one of the most useful and easy to get; make sure to give it a try when you feel anxious. These techniques can help calm your mind and reduce feelings of anxiety.

2. Ask for Help!

Don't be afraid to ask the team for help when taking a test. We are here to help each other and will definitely be happy to assist in any way we can if the task is too complex or the topic too broad. Discuss this possibility with your leader to see teamwork in action! 

3.  Stay Positive

Stay positive and avoid negative self-talk before and during the exam. Remember that you've prepared as much as you can and that you're capable of doing well.

Improving Performance

Improving your performance on exams requires a combination of preparation and effective test-taking strategies. Here are some tips for improving your performance:

  1. Read the Directions Carefully

Read the directions for each section of the exam carefully. Make sure you understand what's expected of you before you begin.

  1. Budget Your Time

Budget your time wisely during the exam. Divide the total amount of time by the number of questions or sections, and allocate your time accordingly.

  1. Answer Easy Questions First

Answer the easy questions first. This can help boost your confidence and ensure that you don't run out of time.

  1. Review Your Answers

Take the time to review your answers before submitting the exam. Check for any errors or mistakes, and make sure you've answered all the questions.

Good luck 🍀