
How to Log in on CANVAS Student Portal

Learn how to log into Canvas.

Canvas is a course management system used by some major universities to support remote learning. During class projects, a consultant might spend a lot of time on this portal, as this is where all course information will be shared by the instructor. Canvas is one of the most intuitive portals available, but navigating it the first few times can be a little confusing. If you're having trouble with any of the main aspects of using canvas, you've come to the right place!

Logging In:

Before you head to the university's CANVAS login page, make sure to locate the client's credentials in HubSpot. You will usually find the link that will take you to the University's login page within the contact card as well.

NOTE: if that link somehow doesn't work because the client provided the link from a bookmark or any other reason, don't fret! Googling "[University Name] Canvas login" will take you to the login page as well.


We will be using the City College of San Francisco portal for this example. When you arrive at the login page, credentials at the ready, this is what you should see:




Just input the client's credentials into the required fields. It is really that easy!

***NOTE: Some client portals operate through Microsoft services and they will require two-factor authentication for login. When this happens, make sure to always message the client to check on their availability to forward the code as quickly as they can BEFORE you attempt a login. Authentication codes expire within a short amount of time, so you want to make sure the login is coordinated effectively. ***

Some client portals will not open directly on Canvas! When this happens, locate the option to open the course platform on the University portal's main page. In CCSF, logging in brings you to this page:


You will not need to log in a second time, the tool will launch CANVAS directly into the client's account.



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