
Inside a WGU Course Shell

Written by Chiqui Villazana | Sep 2, 2022 11:25:41 AM

WGU courses are a bit different from your average college course. This is because the mission of WGU is to provide learning based on competency instead of just grades. Thus, you will notice that each course from this university consists of 3-4 long assignments. 

The first page you see after login in is the portal main page, where you can find the courses the client is enrolled in, news from the institution, and more. It looks like this:

The red square is the courses section, you'll notice some courses have a green dot with a "P" on them, this means that that specific curse is passed. The ones in white are the ones that still need assignments to be completed and evaluated. 

Once you click on the course you need to complete or you're working on, you will see the course's main page. The most relevant aspects within a course's main page on WGU are:

  • Course Material
  • Assessments 
  • Announcements
  • Course Tips

You will need to access these tabs at least once, so we'll break down their functions for you briefly.

Course Material

The red square shows the course material tab on the course's home page. When you click there, you are able to see the readings and videos relevant to the course and the assessments that you will need to complete in order to pass it. You can either see the material by order reading what's there and clicking "Next" (blue square), or by looking at the Study Plan section, where you can see the material divided in lessons and sections. 

                  IMPORTANT NOTE: Reading and checking the course materials is imperative to                              complete the assessments. We recommend you take a look at it once the course                             is assigned to you.


In the assessments tab, you will be able to see the tasks needed to complete to pass the course. Of course, some clients only require help with a single assessment, it depends on the case.

Each task has its path where you can see the stage of the assessment: submitted, under review, second submission (if applicable, since sometimes the professors leave feedback for the student to submit the assessment multiple times), and evaluation done). To see each task description, rubric, and objectives, click "View Task" (blue square).


You can find the announcements on the right side of the screen. Just click the tab (red square) and check all the things the professor needs you to know. We recommend you check these everyday if you're working on the full course, that way you won't miss any important information.

Course Tips

The course tips tab is right below the announcements. This section is very important because professors share additional course materials or materials needed to complete the assessments. Just click "View All" and it will show you the links to download each file.  

                 IMPORTANT NOTE: Not all courses have files in the course tips tab, some                                         professors leave additional materials and others don't, so don't be confused                                     if you open the tab and there's nothing to read.