
Accessing a Course on CANVAS Student Portal

Written by Loreana Cardones | Sep 2, 2022 8:22:14 PM

Once you're logged onto Canvas, you're going to need to know how to get around! Read below to find out how to locate your course and access it.

The Dashboard

Logging onto Canvas will always open up a main page with a schedule for upcoming assignments for all the classes the client is enrolled in for the period. It will look a lot like what you see below.

Please don't take these dates listed in this dashboard as final, though! Make sure to carefully review each assigned task for details about the due date.

A great example of misleading dates in the dashboard is the due date for discussion posts. These posts will usually be listed by the final due date for replies, but the initial post will usually be due sometime earlier in that week.

The only way to know the date for these for certain is to check the requirements of each individual task.

Courses List

To access a course, navigate towards the left of the screen and click on the little book icon that says "courses" below it. This icon will open up a list view like the one pictured below

On that list, locate the course you will be working on either by name or code, and then click the hyperlink. Presto! You will be directed to the course's "Home," the overview.